Ray Lab Attends Experimental Biology 2022

The Molecular Neurobiology Group (find us at @MolecularNeuro on Twitter) killed it at Experimental Biology 2022! The last Experimental Biology was a special one. Savannah, Chris, Yuan, and Dipak had a great time. Highlights included three outstanding posters by Chris, Savannah, and Yuan, Trainee breakfast flash talk by Savannah, and a great Featured Topic Seminar…

Welcome John Le As Our New Lab Manager

As the lab continues to grow, we’re grateful to have John coming on board to help keep the train on the tracks and our research programs moving forward! His expertise in mouse EEG implants and recordings will also be a great addition to lab as we expand our work into the interface of breathing control,…

New Lab Publication

It’s official! Our intersectional genetic mouse engineering paper is finally out at BMC biology! All reagents and mouse lines described in the paper are freely available through Addgene and the MMRRC repository. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35086530/

SIDS Screening Grant Awarded

It’s a go for launch! Our mutant screen in neonate mice for genes critical to protective respiratory reflexes is fully funded (#R01HL161142). Great work by everyone in the lab, especially Chris Ward and Eunice Aissi for their efforts in building our neonate phenotyping platform, making this exciting new direction in the lab possible.

Jarret Lowe joins the lab

I am pleased to welcome Jarrett Lowe to the lab! Jarrett comes from the Knock Out Mouse Project (KOMP) at Baylor College of Medicine.  At KOMP he was involved in the high throughput production of mouse mutants for phenotyping as well as different phenotyping assays. In our lab, Jarrett will be involved in colony maintenance,…